How to test your products online

Have you ever thought about the primary advantage of a real store over an online store? If you answered yes, you probably know: customers can TOUCH all the stuff. That’s the main thing that convinces them to buy products.

So why should online store owners cede the territory? This article is for those who want to stand their ground and make their products more attractive and therefore more convincing.

1. Detailed descriptions

Online shopping customers don’t have a shopping assistant always ready to help. But they have questions… lots of questions sometimes! You can easily prevent that being an issue by giving detailed descriptions for every item. Just think about the questions customers may have and answer them all in advance. It really works!

2. Pictures

Show pictures of the view from the front and back, inside and outside, left and right! Have I missed anything? Even іf I haνе, I think you get the gist: the more pictures the better! Customers love with their eyes.

3. 3D and Flash animation

Let your customers enjoy a total view of your stock using 3D pictures. The products appear so real and so close that customers can hardly resist purchasing. Adding audio and interactive video elements will surely spice up your shop.

4. Video recordings

What can be even better than 3D pictures and flash animation? Video recordings! They giving customers the perfect opportunity to see the full product perspective.

5. Flash applications

Keep your visitors entertained and at the same time let them know the full spectrum of uses of your products. Would you be pleased to be able to try different belts when choosing a dress? I would!

6. Zoom

Have you ever noticed how picky customers explore products, turning them around in their hands, moving them closer for a better look? This is how zoom works. Don’t deprive your customers of the opportunity to exercise their shopping habits. Let them look at every inch of your products. They will definitely appreciate that!

7. Reviews and testimonials

Sometimes other people’s opinions can encourage your customers more than anything else. When you see someone saying, “Oh, that is the best ever doodah that I have been trying to find for so long,” you want that doodah too! IMMEDIATELY!

Whatever tip you choose, or if you find your own tips, the main rule is: use your imagination and be customer oriented. You will see the results even sooner than you expected.

Good luck in e-commerce!

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