E-commerce Blog

Google Checkout is replaced with Google Wallet…

google-walletYour e-commerce needs to catch up as Google Checkout is replaced with Google Wallet.
Google Wallet is an app that syncs with the pay-passes at shopping centers making transactions free of all those complicated checkouts. It is a simple tap that allows you to pay your bills.
Of course, money in your account and charge in the mobile battery are pre-requisites!

The pretty leather case you bought for all your credit cards is soon getting useless. But the loss of commodity will only add to your joy; it comes with a new payment system that allows payment through your mobile phone with just a tap.

As a shopper, the prospect should surely excite you. If you are an e-commerce entrepreneur, a lot of questions would be floating around in your mind. There are security, compatibility and customer expectations at stake with this whole new system.
With the habit of this convenience at a mall, the customer needs to be delivered the same experience online. Convenience, after all, is the whole point of online shopping.

Benefits: The first and foremost impact is on the payment modes on your website. Since cards will disappear, your prime modes are either net banking or Google Wallet. Through Wallet, you will have to device ways that can substitute the Near Field Communication (NFC).
The easy way is storing the customer’s credit card data at a safe location like a server. With one click on the app, the data can be utilized for payment. Using a third location like server also ensures safety. The drawback here is a new customer can be baffled with this arrangement.
But as the use of Google Wallet gets universal, safety can be ensured.

Cool New Way to Shop…

Google Wallet also fuses all those offers you use to entice your customers.
Google Offers is itself integrated with Google Wallet. The challenge is to include your individual offers in this app.
Users need to be informed through this medium, which, instead of an obstacle should be seen as a powerful tool. E-commerce can only be a success when it remains dynamic. Brace yourself for a new outlook and take a step forward.

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